The London Silver Vaults

The World's Best Kept Secret

Silverware for the Home
Corporate and Presentation Items
Object d'Art
Repairs and Restorations

Prices range from half a million pounds to ú5.00

What's at The London Silver Vaults?

There's nothing like the London Silver Vaults anywhere else in the world. A variety of shops provide an unparalleled display of the finest silverware ranging from pre-Georgian pieces to modern works.

Open six days a week, there is something for everyone to buy. This includes serious collectors or those just looking for delightful items for the home or some wonderful jewellery and gifts. Silverware can also be commissioned for company presentations and special gifts.

Prices for silver and jewellery range from ú5 to ú500,000.

When not browsing amongst the shops, the thousands of annual visitors to the Vaults can take advantage of the free periodic demonstrations and lectures on the art of silver-smithing.

The London Silver Vaults was originally built as a safety deposit in 1882 during Queen Victoria's reign.

Jewellers and silverware merchants began to place stock in the Deposit overnight for maximum security. Gradually, jewellery and silver traders began to sell to the public from the actual premises and the London Silver Vaults came into existence. Now there is a variety of welcoming shops arranged in two underground corridors.

Some dealers specialise in certain styles, types and periods of silver such as pre-Georgian, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and modern. British silver is in abundance but there is also antique and old silverware from many other countries.

Popular items of silverware available include flatware (cutlery), tea and coffee services, chocolate pots, hot water jugs, tea kettles, tea caddies and spoons and urns, soup and sauce tureens, biscuit boxes, elaborate epergnes and centrepieces, candlesticks and candelabra, dinner services, entree dishes, cake baskets, salvers and trays, napkin rings, condiment sets, decanters, wine coolers and coasters and funnels, photograph frames and mirrors.

High quality antique necklaces, brooches, bracelets, engagement rings, clocks, watches, gold coins and musical boxes and some modern items of jewellery can also be found in the Vaults. Prices range from ú10 to ú30,000.

The vaults are run by families with, in some cases, over five generations of experience and knowledge handed down. All can offer expert advice and friendly assistance.

For example they will help match inherited cutlery sets and dinner services to make them complete and will also give general purchase advice with no obligation to buy.

Detailed receipts and export documentation can be raised, and many undertake valuations and repairs.

The London Silver Vaults
The Finest Selection of Silver in the World

How to Find the London Silver Vaults

By Underground:

Chancery Lane Station (Central Line)

By Bus:

No's. 6, 9, 11, 13 1,15 to Chancery Lane (Fleet Street end)
No's. 7, 8, 22, 25, 32 to Chancery Lane (Holborn end)

Shops in the Vaults (and their vault no's.):
Argenteus Ltd. (2), Benjamin Jewellery Ltd. (46), Lawrence Block (Silverware) Ltd. (20&65), Bryan Douglas (12&14), R. Feldman Ltd. (4&6), I. Franks (9&11), M. & J. Hamilton (25), Stephen Kalms Antiques (31), B. Lampert (19), Langfords (8&10), Nat Leslie Ltd. (21&22), Linden & co. (antiques) Ltd. (7), J. Mammon (Antiques) (30), Percy's (Silver) Ltd. (16&17), Rare Art/E. & C.T. Koopman & Sons Ltd. (13&15), David S. Shure & Co. (1), Silstar Antiques Ltd. (29), S.& J. Stodel (24), William Walter Antiques Ltd. (3&5), Peter K. Weiss (18&42).

Opening Times:
Monday to Friday - 9am - 5.30pm
Saturday - 9am - 12.30pm

Main Mall
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